Sunday, January 02, 2005
The easy way to do C&I
Can’t draw? Can’t do the fancy writing? Still want to do calligraphy or illumination? All you have to do is TRACE. They *did* trace patterns, either with a frame held over a candle, or on windows.
For illumination:
Either get a color photocopy, or scan in and print out a copy of the illumination with which you want to work. There are also several websites you may browse to find images to print out. They usually end up the most convenient size this way. Turn your good paper over, and tape the image to the back. This prevents it from sliding while you work (or more importantly, when you walk away from it for “just a moment”). Trace with pencil or pen & ink (depending on your confidence level). Then just paint between the lines as best you can. Ink the lines, and add any other finishing touches.
Measure the room left for writing. Write with a good word processor whatever you wish to say, with the rulers turned on. Adjust the margin to be your desired width, and ensure that the text doesn’t go longer than what you need. Don’t forget the signature lines! Adjust the font size to whatever fits best. But what font to use? This site: is the best site I have found as a source of fonts. He has an entire page devoted to historical fonts (page 2, although page 1 has runic fonts). I recommend Gaeildge1 for Celtic, Diploma or Linotext for classic Gothic hand, and Italian Cursive 16th Century for the obvious. There is also a Carolingian hand or two, but I am not as familiar with that font. You should study a few books on historical fonts so you may judge what looks proper. The foreign fonts like Armenian are the modern fonts.
For illumination:
Either get a color photocopy, or scan in and print out a copy of the illumination with which you want to work. There are also several websites you may browse to find images to print out. They usually end up the most convenient size this way. Turn your good paper over, and tape the image to the back. This prevents it from sliding while you work (or more importantly, when you walk away from it for “just a moment”). Trace with pencil or pen & ink (depending on your confidence level). Then just paint between the lines as best you can. Ink the lines, and add any other finishing touches.
Measure the room left for writing. Write with a good word processor whatever you wish to say, with the rulers turned on. Adjust the margin to be your desired width, and ensure that the text doesn’t go longer than what you need. Don’t forget the signature lines! Adjust the font size to whatever fits best. But what font to use? This site: is the best site I have found as a source of fonts. He has an entire page devoted to historical fonts (page 2, although page 1 has runic fonts). I recommend Gaeildge1 for Celtic, Diploma or Linotext for classic Gothic hand, and Italian Cursive 16th Century for the obvious. There is also a Carolingian hand or two, but I am not as familiar with that font. You should study a few books on historical fonts so you may judge what looks proper. The foreign fonts like Armenian are the modern fonts.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz - Diploma
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